Navigating Travel Coverage: A Guide for a Seamless Journey

Embarking on a well-deserved vacation is an exciting prospect, and ensuring you have the right travel coverage is crucial for a worry-free experience.

Introduction: Embarking on a well-deserved vacation is an exciting prospect, and ensuring you have the right travel coverage is crucial for a worry-free experience. As your trusted benefits consultants, we understand that navigating through out-of-country medical services can be complex. To enhance your travel coverage experience, here are some essential tips to consider before you set out on your adventure.

      1. Carry a Printed Version of Your Benefits Card: Your plan’s online portal is a treasure trove of information, including a digital copy of your benefits card. While online access is convenient, it’s wise to keep a printed version in your wallet. In the event of connectivity issues, having a tangible benefits card ensures quick and easy access to emergency medical travel assistance.

      2. Immediate Notification for Hospital Admissions: In case of an emergency hospital admission, time is of the essence. Contact your travel coverage provider, within 48 hours. Swift notification ensures a prompt response and assistance tailored to your needs.



      3. Prepare Information for Claim Submission: When making a claim, be ready with essential information:
        • Coverage details (group, certificate, and account numbers on your benefits card)
        • Provincial Health Insurance number and any other applicable benefit plan coverage
        • Nature of the emergency, healthcare provider’s details, and contact information
        • Your travel itinerary and purpose
        • Patient’s home address
        • Contact details of the patient’s family physician in Canada

        1. Share Information with Travel Companions and Home Contacts: Communication is key in emergencies. Share your travel coverage details with companions, enabling them to act on your behalf if needed. Additionally, leave copies of your benefits card, passport, and itinerary with someone at home to mitigate the impact of lost or stolen identification.

        2. Understand Coverages and Health Requirements for Your Destination: Before departure, familiarize yourself with entry requirements for your destination. Ensure you grasp the nuances of your Travel Health coverage, and provincial coverage, and understand claim submission rules and limitations.

        3. Keep Copies of Receipts and Claim Forms: For Emergency Out-of-Country (EOOC) claims, Voyage Assistance facilitates direct billing to minimize out-of-pocket expenses. However, in cases where direct payment is not accepted, keep copies of receipts. If you’ve borne expenses, understand that reimbursement may take time—typically 6 to 8 months.

        4. Check if you require a Travel Letter: Some countries and service providers require travelers to provide confirmation of medical coverage. Employees who require this can often download an official travel letter directly from their online portal. For example, Chambers Plan users can download a Travel Letter through the my-benefits portal.

      By proactively preparing for your travels, you not only ensure a smoother claims process but also pave the way for a more enjoyable vacation. As your benefits consultants, we encourage you to embrace these guidelines for a seamless journey, confident in the knowledge that your travel coverage is as well-prepared as you are. If you have any questions about traveling with an employee benefits plan, please reach out to your Norbram advisor or request a call using the button at the top of the page. Safe travels!


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