The ROI of Wellness

In business, anything you spend money on should ultimately lead to increased profits. It’s not an easy task to evaluate the ROI of any wellness program as it can be expensive, complicated and quite often takes some time to see results. However, the outcome of understanding will lead to bumping that bottom-line by keep staff engaged and boosting productivity.

In order to understand and measure your wellness programs, we should first look at the barriers; the most obvious is that it’s expensive. Analysing any area of business is costly and takes time. Wellness is an especially difficult area to evaluate as it has many different sets of data to analyse. In order to make sense of the data you would need the help of analytics companies as some of this information can be difficult to understand and keeping that information private is of paramount importance.

Every wellness program comes with a series of outcomes. Your staff could benefit from these programs by their improved health which could result in weight loss, reduction in disease risk factors, fewer sick days and completing work and tasks on time all of which could lead to your customers being satisfied. That all sounds great, but it’s very complicated to prove that is why having the correct help goes a long way.

Not all wellness programs are as quick as we would like them to be. For example encouraging staff to complete a short 20 min workout could result in an immediate energy boost for the day. Whereas implementing a company-wide healthy eating campaign will improve staff health and therefore productivity in the long term.

With all that being said, what is the best approach to finding your ROI on wellness? Put aside the cost saving approach most businesses take towards wellness and start thinking about engagement and how it’s turning things around. A focus on your employee’s well-being is the secret ingredient to any successful business.


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