Bullfrog Power

At Norbram Group Insurance Benefits Inc., we recognize the importance of addressing our environmental impact. We’re reducing the carbon emissions footprint of our operations and supporting renewable energy in Canada by choosing green electricity and green natural gas through our partnership with Bullfrog Power, a Spark Power company. For more information on how it works please visit this link here

Across Canada, Bullfrog’s green electricity comes from a blend of wind and low-impact hydro power sourced from new Canadian renewable energy facilities. Bullfrog’s green natural gas is sourced from methane-capture projects situated at various Canadian landfills, wastewater treatment facilities and anaerobic digestion sites.

Our green energy purchase is also helping to support to new, community-based renewable energy projects in our region and across Canada. That’s because Bullfrog Power uses its customers’ support to provide funding to these projects. Learn more about how the Bullfrog Power community is advancing these projects here bullfrogpower.com/greenenergy.


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